2. Adding a capture PC

The next step is to add a capture PC/laptop for capturing presentations.

This setup was done previously using a Numato Opsis board. The previous hardware setup for this can be found here.

The basic layout for MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte is:

  • The presenter’s laptop connects to the capture box CU4K30 Asus input via HDMI.

  • The capture box CU4K30 Asus output connects to the projector via HDMI.

  • The capture box CU4K30 Asus capture connects to a capture laptop sitting next

to it, via USB-C. * The capture laptop is connected to the Router TP-Link over a gigabit ethernet network. * The Voctomix machine is connected to the Router TP-Link over a gigabit ethernet network.

  1. Install Debian Stable on laptop in the same manner you installed the Voctomix machine. Make the hostname opsis1.

  2. Install ansible:

    $ apt install ansible

2.1. My laptop

  1. Clone repository (already done for voctomix setup):

    $ git clone git@salsa.debian.org:debconf-video-team/ansible.git
  2. Edit /etc/hosts and add the IP provided by tp-link router to voctomix1: opsis1
  3. Edit inventory/host_vars/opsis1.yml and change the following:

      host: voctomix1
      port: 10001
    mixer: voctomix
      host: voctomix1
      port: 10001
    video_source: uvc-raw
    irc_room_channel: "#minidc-bh-main"
    irc_nick: videoteam_bh_front
    room_name: main
  4. Edit roles/opsis/defaults/main.yml and add the following:

    enable_backports: true
  5. Edit roles/apt/defaults/main.yml and change the following:

    update_apt_sources: true
    enable_backports: true
  6. Edit roles/opsis-ingest/defaults/main.yml and change the following:

    mixer: voctomix
      host: voctomix1
      port: 10001
    video_source: uvc-raw
  7. Edit roles/opsis-ingest/templates/videoteam-ingest.j2 and change the following:

        exec voctomix-ingest \
            --host {{ ingest.host }} \
            --port {{ ingest.port }} \
            --video-source {{ video_source }} \
            --video-attribs device=/dev/video0 \
  8. Run:

    $ ansible-playbook --inventory inventory/hosts -l opsis1 site.yml
  9. When it completes successfully, restart the machine.