1. Standalone Voctomix Machine

The simplest setup that is able to record a talk is a webcam connected to a PC running Voctomix. This can be done as follows:

  1. Install Debian Stable on a machine. Make the hostname voctomix1. We recommend a minimal install: only the base system and optionally, an SSH server. The netinstall image is good for this.

  2. Edit /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and add plublic ssh key to allow connection from my laptop

  3. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and uncomment the line:

    PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
  4. Install ansible:

    $ apt install ansible

1.1. My laptop

  1. Clone repository:

    $ git clone git@salsa.debian.org:debconf-video-team/ansible.git
  2. Edit /etc/hosts and add the IP provided by tp-link router to voctomix1: voctomix1
  3. Edit inventory/group_vars/all and change:

    user_password: xxxxx
    firewall_internal_networks: []
    # IPs provived by tp-link router
    #domain: video.example.org
    time_zone: America/Sao_Paulo
    frequency: 60
    # for my webcam fifine
      display_system: gl
      previews: true
      mirrors: false
      framerate: 25
      autostart_gui: false
    room_name: main
      - keys:
      - ssh-ed25519....
  4. Edit inventory/group_vars/onsite and change:

    conference_name: MiniDebConf Belo Horizonte 2024
    conference_town: Belo Horizonte
    conference_country: Brasil
    ssh_password_auth: true
  5. Edit inventory/host_vars/voctomix1 and change:

    irc_room_channel: "#minidc-bh-main"
    irc_nick: videoteam_bh_main
    room_name: main
    #  - camera: Cam1
    #    plugin: serial_dtr
    #    port: /dev/ttyUSB0
      - description: "webcam fifine"
        video_source: hdmi2usb
        video_attribs: device=/dev/video0
        audio_source: alsa
        port: 10000
        - main
      method: rtmp
        vaapi: false
        location: "rtmp://backend.live.debconf.org:1935/stream/{{ room_name }}"
        video_codec: libsvtav1
        audio_codec: libopus
        preset: 8
          - crf: 23
          - scale: 640x360
            crf: 23
          - scale: 320x180
            bitrate: 192k
            maxrate: 256k
          - bitrate: 128k
          - bitrate: 64k
        hls_bandwidth: 2176000
        video_bitrate: 2000 # kbps
        audio_bitrate: 128000 # bps
        keyframe_period: 60 # seconds
        width: 1280
        video_codec: libx264
        audio_codec: aac
            hls_bandwidth: 1152000
            video_bitrate: 1024k
            audio_bitrate: 128k
            extra_settings: -tune zerolatency -preset veryfast -crf 23
            width: 900
            hls_bandwidth: 448000
            video_bitrate: 768k
            audio_bitrate: 96k
            extra_settings: -tune zerolatency -preset veryfast -crf 23
            width: 720
            hls_bandwidth: 288000
            video_bitrate: 256k
            audio_bitrate: 48k
            extra_settings: -tune zerolatency -preset veryfast -crf 23
            width: 480
      dump: False
      mix_channels: false

Ansible can be run from a laptop or other external source. This makes testing changes much faster than running it locally. You will require a network that resolves hostnames to IP addresses correctly. It also requires your SSH key to be present in the authorized_keys file for root (this will be the case if your key is in the ssh_public_keys list and you have run ansible before). In this case run:

$ ansible-playbook --inventory inventory/hosts -l voctomix1 site.yml
  1. When it completes successfully, restart the machine.

You should now have a working voctomix machine. Since there is only one input at the moment, you cannot really mix different streams. The next step is to build an opsis machine to get a second input. To do this, you might need to build a gateway machine first.

1.2. Streaming

Streaming to services such as YouTube is very easy using this setup. It requires setting up the stream on YouTube and then configuring Voctomix to connect to this stream.

  1. Open YouTube Live Dashboard.

  2. Change the Name and Description, setting the Category and Privacy as required.

  3. Note down the Server URL and Stream name/key (which will be displayed as a hidden password until the Reveal button is pressed). These will be used to configure Voctomix using Ansible.

  4. Create an Ansible Vault file for the vault password:

    $ echo "changeme" > /root/.ansible-vault
    $ chmod 600 /root/.ansible-vault
  5. Encrypt the URL and stream name in the form <URL>/<Stream name>:

    $ ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file=/root/.ansible-vault --name=location <URL>/<Stream name>
  6. Edit inventory/host_vars/voctomix1.yml and include the following, changing the bitrates as required:

      method: rtmp
        video_bitrate: 2500 # kbps
        audio_bitrate: 128000 # bps
        keyframe_period: 60 # seconds
        vaapi: true
        <Output of ansible-vault encrypt_string>
        location: !vault |.....
  7. Rerun ansible:

    $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=/root/.ansible-vault --inventory inventory/hosts -l voctomix1 site.yml

Once ansible is finished, opening Voctomix and selecting Stream Live or Stream Loop will start streaming to YouTube. If you wish to run more than one room or schedule when your stream goes live, use the Event tab and schedule the stream. Here you can add cameras for additional rooms (one per room).

1.3. Notes

The Voctomix loops are shown on the stream when there is no talk happening. In Voctomix the loop_url is downloaded and used for the Stream Loop button when the stream is blanked. bgloop_url is downloaded and used as the background for Picture-In-Picture mode when the sources do not cover the entire frame. If you have loops to use, put the URL for them here:

  loop_url: http://example.org/loop/loop.ts
  bgloop_url: http://example.org/loop/bgloop.ts