
Manage and configure the nageru live editing software.

Requires VA-API which requires non-free to be enabled for the Intel drivers.


The tasks are divided this way:

  • tasks/rtmp.yml: Manage RTMP streaming to the streaming backend machine.

  • tasks/scripts.yml: Manage useful scripts for the video director.

  • tasks/video_disk.yml: Manage partitions to record to.

  • tasks/nageru.yml: Install and configure nageru.

Available variables

Main variables are:

  • user_name: Main user username.

  • storage_username: Storage user username.

  • debian_version: Version of Debian, when using Debian.

  • org: Name of your organisation. Used in video files path.

  • show: Name of the event. Used in the video files path.

  • room_name: Name of the room where you are recording. Used in the video file path.

  • frequency: The local frequency setting (50 or 60Hz). Used to derive sensible defaults.

  • sources: List. Name of the different sources you want nageru to use.

  • nageru.autostart: Start nageru when X starts.

  • nageru.http_port: The port nageru listens on.

  • nageru.loop_url: URL of the sponsor loop file.

  • nageru.bgimage_url: URL of the background .png image file.

  • nageru.loopy_url: URL of the live OBS sponsor loop.

  • recording_timezone: Optional. Record timestamps in the specified TZ.

  • streaming.method: Streaming method used. At the moment, only none and rtmp values are supported.

  • streaming.rtmp.location: RTMP URL to the streaming endpoint. For YouTube, this would be: rtmp:// app=live2

  • rsync_excludes: List. Paths to exclude during the rsync copy of the video files.

  • rsync_sshopts: Rsync SSH options.

  • video_disk: Partition to create and mount on /srv/video.

Other variables used are:

  • skip_unit_test: Used internally by the test suite to disable actions that can’t be performed in the gitlab-ci test runner.